VCSC - VN-Index inches down as banks drop - HPG, VHC, OCB, FPT, TPB, PNJ, VTP
  • 2021-01-25T23:30:57
  • Market Commentary
The VN-Index inched down less than a tenth of a percent on Monday as numerous banking stocks retreated. In addition, liquidity on HOSE fell to USD684.2mn — below the one-month average of USD714.9mn. Bank tickers were down across the board, led by CTG (-2.1%), BID (-1.4%), TCB (-1.4%), VPB (-1.6%), ACB (-1.9%), MBB (-1.6%) and STB (-3.0%). Meanwhile, GAS (-2.2%) was the leading contributor to the day’s loss as it dropped to a one-month low. MSN (+4.0%) climbed to 33-month high